Occupational Therapy
Building your ability to independently participate in the meaningful activities of your life.
Occupational Therapists support clients of all ages and all abilities.
Our Occupational Therapists are committed to collaborating with you/your family, offering vital support to improve quality of life and foster independence. We'll start by evaluating your/your family's functional abilities and discussing your/your family's objectives. Together, we'll establish achievable goals and guide you/your family towards them progressively.
GRS Occupational Therapists can provide the scope of services that may include but are not limited to:
General Scope:
Independent Living Skill/Functional Capacity Assessment
Supported Independent Living (SIL), Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), & Individual Living Options (ILO) assessment and application
NDIS Plan Review Assessments and Reports
Physical Stream:
Home Modifications for Basic and Complex Home Modifications (CHM)
Basic: Grab rails, step ramp, hand-held shower hose
CHM: Hob-free shower, accessible kitchen, lift platform, doorway widening
Assistive Technology (AT) Prescription & Reports
Mobility aids: Manual and power wheelchairs, mobility scooters
Transfer aids: Hoists, Sara Steady, slide board
Self-care aids: Bidets, shower commode, pressure relief cushions, high-low beds
Neurological Assessment and Rehabilitation
Upper Limb Assessment and Therapy/Hand Therapy
Pressure Injury Management
Falls Prevention & Management
Psychosocial Stream:
Cognitive Assessment and Therapy
Allen Cognitive Level (ACL)
Addenbroooke's Cognitive Examination, 3rd Edition (ACE-III)
Sensory Assessment and Sensory Integration Intervention
Independent living skill training
Leisure activities engagement and development
Social skill development
Paediatric Stream (0 to School-Aged):
Behaviour assessment and intervention
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Third Edition (Vineland 3)
Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System, Third Edition (ABAS-III)
Sensory Assessment and Integration
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Diet
Functional Ability Assessment and intervention
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test (Pedi-CAT)
Feeding issues management
Sequential-Oral-Sensory (SOS) Feeding
Play and social skills assessment and development
Fine and gross motor skills assessment and development
Academic skills and school-based assessment/intervention
Assistive Technology Assessment and Prescription